Kamis, 07 April 2011

Unique and Rare Lake, in the Sea Having Association

Deep in the interior of East Kalimantan there, unfurled Labuan Lake Mirror. Clear Lake is special because it has the sea at the bottom. Sea at the bottom of the lake? True, this lake has a flow of salty water that exist only in the bottom of the lake.

Labuan Mirror Big Dipper is located in Sub-Plow, East Kalimantan. When viewed on a map, located right in the back of the nose of Borneo. This place can be gone in three-hour sea journey from Derawan.

The top of Labuan Mirror Lake contains freshwater such as lakes in general. But there are a few feet below the flow of salt water. Strangely, both types of water is not mixed. In plain view can be seen that the sea water and fresh water are separated by a similar layer of clouds.

No one has done research in this area so that the formation of this phenomenon remains a mystery.

White turbid layer was allegedly the result of spoilage organisms harbor the basis of the trapped and unable to go. Two types of water in this lake also provides the organism of both worlds. Freshwater fish living on the surface, while sea water fish can be found at the bottom of the lake.

The crew had to dive and taste the salty water at a depth of about two meters. Apparently, the thickness of freshwater and saltwater can be changed in accordance with tidal sea water.

This tiny lake surrounded by woods and there are towering cliffs on one side. We were treated to music while swimming jungle - the sound of birds and insects. Not surprisingly, the lake is named Labuan Mirror: water clear as a bell until the person can reflect on it. Flows in some places quite strong and easy to drag people who can not swim.

To reach this place should be boarded fishing boats and travel pass for 15 minutes, through the bush and mangrove forests. The forest was still inhabited by various wild animals like monkeys, bekantan, otters and bears.

Because the distance is quite far from the city, rarely or almost no tourists who visit here. This place is only known by local people from around the area. Facilities and infrastructure are still sober. The place we stayed was a Fisherman Information Center (IC) assisted The Nature Conservancy, an environmental activist organization invited me to visit this place.

PIN-shaped house on stilts at the edge of the mouth of a river, only a few hundred meters from the sea. The house has such a small dock where boats tie up. River in front of the PIN brackish water. Keasinannya levels depend on tidal sea water. When the sea receded, the river became very clear that basically can be seen clearly.

From the porch we could see the fish moving around everywhere. Ardi, children of fishermen who like to play in a PIN to explain to us the kinds of fish. There are many prickly fish, there are fish that sting and long flat-bodied fish. Not only visited by the fishermen, the PIN is also a hangout for the children of fishermen who want to watch a film about sea life or read a library's collection.

It was getting dark when some fishermen went to sea. As we spent the night by drinking coffee on the porch and stared at the river water and the moon was almost full. Peaceful atmosphere that can not be found in the city


Senin, 04 April 2011

Tattoos For Identity Society "Mentawai"

Cultural diversity of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke is an asset that is priceless, so that should be maintained and continue to be preserved. But, unfortunately, as children of the nation there are still many who do not know the various cultures of other regions in Indonesia, one of which tattoo culture in Mentawai, West Sumatra.

For enthusiasts traveling to various regions in Indonesia, particularly the sense ingintahunya high enough to diverse cultures, it never hurts to stop by the Mentawai close look at the tattoo culture has become a culture of local communities, in addition to enjoying a dish of natural charm and the sea. As the saying goes, do not know it was love.

In Indonesia, the oldest types of tattoos are tattoos that are owned by tribes Mentawai, these tattoos are and usually only the shape of the letter. For the criminals, tattoos are a marker. Like most other people, they use a tattoo to show the identity of the group. But, there is also a tattoo that has a history as a means of ritual.

According to historical records, Mentawai people are tattooing their bodies since coming to the west coast of Sumatra. Proto Malay nation was coming from mainland Asia (Indochina), the Metal Age, 1500 BC-500 BC.

In Mentawai, tattoos known as titi. In the study Ady Rosa, in addition to the Mentawai and Egypt, tattoos are also found in Siberia (300 BC), the United Kingdom (54 BC), Haida Indians in America, the tribes of the Eskimo, Hawaii, and Marquesas Islands. Tattoo culture is also found on Rapa Nui tribes on Easter Island, New Zealand's Maori tribe, the Dayak tribe in Kalimantan, and Sumba tribe in West Sumatra.

For the Mentawai people, tattoos are the spirit of life. Tattoos have four positions in this society, one of which is to show identity and difference in social status or profession. Tattoos sikerei shaman, for example, unlike a tattoo expert hunting. Experts hunt known for his pictures of animals catch, such as pigs, deer, monkeys, birds, or alligators. Sikerei known from sibalu-balu star tattoo on his body.

Tattooing also has a function as a symbol of nature's balance. In that society, objects such as rocks, animals, and plants must be preserved in the upper body tattoo that another function is beauty. So the Mentawai people are also free tattooing the body in accordance with his creativity.

The position of the tattoo is set by the trust Mentawai tribe, Arat Sabulungan. The term comes from the word sa (se) or a collection, as well as bulung or leaves. A set of leaves arranged in a circle made ​​of palm shoots, or thatch, which is believed to have supernatural power or ketse beggar.

This is then used as a media for whom worship Kabagat Tai (God of the Sea), Tai Ka-leleu (spirit forests and mountains), and Tai Ka Manua (spirit of the clouds). Arat Sabulungan used in every ceremony of birth, marriage, medical treatment, moving house, and penatoan. When boys enter puberty, age 11-12 years, parents call sikerei and rimata

They will negotiate to determine the day and month penatoan implementation. After that, sipatiti chosen tattooist. Sipatiti this is not a position based on public appointments, such as shaman or chieftain, but a male profession. His expertise should be paid with a pig. Before penatoan will be punen enegat, aka initiation ceremony led sikerei, in puturukat (gallery owned sipatiti).

Body of boy who would then tattooed it began to be drawn by a stick. Sketches on the body is then pierced with a needle-stemmed wood who was beaten slowly with a wooden bat to insert dye into the skin layer. Dye used was a mixture of banana leaves and coconut shell charcoal.

Promise Crow Borneo is penatoan early stage, performed at the base of the arm. When he was an adult, followed by a pattern durukat tattoo on his chest, titi takep in hand, titi rere on thigh and leg, titi puso on her stomach, then titi teytey on waist and back.

It was also found that the tattoo on the Mentawai people closely related to the Dong Son culture in Vietnam. Allegedly, the Mentawai people come here. From the ancestral land, they sailed into the Pacific Ocean and New Zealand. As a result, a similar motif is also found in some tribes in Hawaii, the Marquesas Islands, Rapa Nui interest in Easter Island, and Maori tribes in New Zealand.

In Indonesia, the Mentawai tattoo is more democratic than the Dayak people who are more likely to show one's wealth status of the tattoo, get richer. In the Dayak community confidence, for example for the Dayak Iban and Dayak Kayan, tattoos are a form of homage to the ancestors.

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Form a Unique Field that Exists Only in Indonesia

Wetland is concentrated at one point and spread in a circle. Wet strange, I thought. Another shape of the field in general.

Wet Lingko - its name or used to be called Indigenous Gardens, located in Manggarai regency. Approximately only 1 hour drive from where we were staying in downtown Ruteng. From where the car was parked, we had to walk about 5 minutes into the hills. Do not forget to sign the guest book and giving donations in one house on top.

It is a luck for us because when you arrive at the top, lay a green color with a beautiful mountain backdrop Oleg. Sometimes a few tourists see only an empty rice field only.

Mr. Joachim also begun to provide an explanation of the Wetland Lingko. He said, Tribe Manggarai believe that everything has a center that controls everything and it is reflected in the development of traditional house types Tribe Manggarai and customary garden - a centrally from a single point.

Ceremony to be held in the planting season and harvest season. The ceremony was performed at the central point at the expense of small pig or chicken blood and planted in the soil. If one does not do it, it will be liable to customs and within a certain time he became a people who are not lucky like crop failure or crop eaten by pests.

One center field owned by one tribe and family members. But because there was a shift, the current field may be owned by anyone. Planting conducted simultaneously or in adjacent intervals. This is intended to reduce pests in the form of sparrows. Once he explained the outline.