
Four Legged Chicken

Karti's chicks (48) Batursari villagers Pati, four-legged. Two feet positioned properly and two feet longer in the tail. Rare occurrence is now a concern of many people. Karti said that originally hers have hen eggs 5 eggs. However, after hatching on Saturday (2 / 4), apparently there is a tail of four-legged chickens. The emergence of strange news quickly spread throughout the district Batangan. Among the Juwana and Rembang. The plan of the chicken would he care so forth. (Source KR)

Eat Land For Medical, Only in Tuban, Indonesia

In Tuban, a village in East Java province of Indonesia, the land is used to make "ampo" cream snack that is believed as a remedy.

According Rasima, ampo maker in Tuban, there is no special recipe to make this odd snack. All he did was look for a clean soil, free of gravel, in rice fields in the village, pounded into a hard block, using a stick, and roll it scraped the ground, with a bamboo knife. Land rolls are then baked for an hour. Rasima then bring the food to market in the village, where he is getting about $ 2 (USD 20.000, -), to supplement family income.

Tuban is the only village that takes land on the planet. There are people, all over the world, who enjoyed eating the sand, or kaolin, but not the baked soil. Villagers believe ampo is a natural pain killer, and it makes the baby's skin soft, if eaten by pregnant mothers.

ampo taste it, "nothing special, it feels cold in my stomach" said one local resident Tuban, who has been eating ampo, since she was little.

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