
"Enggrang" (Stilts) of Indonesian Traditional Games

Eggrang game emerged in the early 1960s in the city of Tangerang, West Java. Enggrang originally appeared as an accompanist traditional music of West Java. But in its development enggrang emerged in different regions with different names such as, in West Sumatra by the name of the word Tengkak-tengkak Tengkak (lame), which in the language Bengkulu Ingkau means bamboo shoes and in Central Java with a name derived from the name of the stilt-legged bird long. Stilts itself comes from Lampung language which means sandals made ​​of bamboo beheaded a long round. In the language of Banjar in South Kalimantan is called batungkau.

Stilts are made simply by using two bamboo sticks (more frequent use of this material rather than wood) in length each about 2 meters. Then about 50 cm from the bamboo mat, bamboo hollowed bamboo and then penetrated with a size of about 20-30 cm which serves as a footrest. Therefore be a tool called enggrang game. Bamboo is commonly used bamboo or wulung lear, and very rarely wear bamboo ori petung or greater and easily broken.

Wikepedia write eggrang or stilt is a pole or stick someone who used to stand within a certain distance above the ground. Eggrang stilts walking is equipped with a ladder as a place to stand, or strap to be tied to the legs, for the purpose of running for a rise above normal levels. Didataran flood or beaches or unstable soil, buildings are often built on stilts to protect from being damaged by water, wave, or shifting soil. Stilts have been built for hundreds of years.

In connection with Tanoker Festival, held this year, the aim would like to invite all Indonesian children to the familiar culture of the nation, as well as making traditional games more and more known internationally. Indonesia is a country rich in culture, so it is appropriate that all of us who care about keeping watch and preserve it. (Agnes Dwi)

In the Jember East Java, There are Still Festivals Enggrang

Saturday, August 7, 2010, more than usual Ledok Ombo village, Jember, East Java turned festive with the presence of dozens of children dressed in quirky. Starting from local clothing, clothing of war, clothes made ​​of leaves, even clown-servants dress Bagong raised.

The girls look beautiful with a mini kebaya they wear, there is also a dance wearing traditional clothing. No less with girls, boys also wear traditional costumes like knights and heroes of the past. The spirit of independence day also emerged from the army-style clothing and war fighters, complete with red and white flag and face decorated in red, black and white.

The presence of children from different regions to follow in the form of race Tanoker Festival enggrang. Tanoker (cocoons in the language of Madura) in collaboration with district governments Ledok Ombo, initiated an activity that builds the spirit of the children to know the traditional game of the archipelago. Coinciding with the commemoration of National Children's Day and Independence Day of Republic of Indonesia to 65, Tanoker invite every child regardless of race, ethnicity or religion to join in this race.

The race begins with a parade around the District Ledok eggrang Ombo. Fun on the children who participated in their face clearly defined. How do they walk on enggrang difficulties combined with their unique costume serve enough entertainment and excitement of watching people.

In the race eggrang this time a total of 33 groups to follow the race. Participants race is elementary and junior high school students from various schools in the region Ledok Ombo, and the surrounding area. There is also a participant cheerleaders from various regions such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Salatiga, Malang and Surabaya.

Tanoker Coordinator, Farha Cicik reveal about the race location choice in Ledok Ombo enggrang namely, the change can be started from anywhere, including from villages like Ledok Ombo. Another reason, that children are those competitors who lack the opportunity to follow a variety of activities outside the area because of their condition. Race participants are children of parents who became Labor Women (TKW), laborers, carpenters ojeg, farmers, teachers and laundry workers.

In Tanoker Festival was also attended by judges from various countries, among others; Rob Kennedy (Australia), Rosalio Sciortino (Italy), Nia Sjarifudin (ANBTI) Jakarta, Dr. Rini Gunarto (Netherlands), and Prof Dr Ayu Sutarto (Cultural Jember). Also present were Nina Cape and Saparinah Sadli, also provide support for activities Tanoker Festival in 2010.

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